Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Babies in Texas are evidence of tuberculosis by staff


Health officials in West Texas began testing s in infants for the diagnosis of tuberculosis after 700 children were reported in a hospital in El Paso to have the disease.


The children were exposed to day care of Providence Memorial Hospital between the period between September 2013 and last month after a health worker and tested positive for the disease. It has not been made public by the authorities on the number of children who have been made tested.

Department of Public Health spokesman Armando Saldivar Paso said health authorities have the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention of diseases used to determine the date on which children were exposed to tuberculosis.

He said health authorities have no knowledge of why the employee is not checked, if it showed symptoms of tuberculosis. The matter is being investigated to determine the cause, how and when to find infected workers.


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