Saturday, 20 September 2014

High Fructose Corn Syrup to kidney stones connected: 5 facts to know


Corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, HFCS, or short, an artificial sweetener is commonly used in processed foods. It is found in many foods you least suspect, such as bread, biscuits, pasta sauces, and even pickles. Groups such as the association and the companies that rely on corn syrup, high fructose (HFCS) corn refiner almost certainly continue to market it as "natural" product. The truth is always clear, with studies showing the enormous health problems arising from long-term consumption. While most people consume today is based mainly on processed food diet, it is difficult for most people in moderation eat a little.

HFCS and kidney stones: What's the Connection?

Recent research suggests that the increasing incidence of kidney stones in men, women and even children seem to be related to regular consumption of HFCS. Research shows HFCS promotes the formation of two of the four types of kidney stones, which is both easy to prevent. Here are 5 facts you need to know for yourself and your loved ones against the formation of kidney stones induced protection HFCS.

1 Eating fructose increases the risk of kidney stones

Not marketing campaigns distract working industry - Fructose consumption increases the risk of kidney stone formation. The National Kidney Foundation's website says, "eating too much fructose with an increased risk of developing kidney stones correlates." [1] In addition, evaluation of data from more than 200,000 people who consumed more refined fructose was identified more kidney stones develop. [2] Only the refined fructose showed no correlation with fructose is not related to kidney stones.

2 of drinking soda increases drastically the formation of kidney stones

Hydration is an important part to prevent kidney stones. Drinking soda does more harm to hydrate. refined fructose sweetened soft drinks contain HFCS to be soft. A Harvard study found that those who drank regular soft drinks had 33% higher risk of kidney stones. [3] Another study found that consumption of cola has encouraged the formation of calcium oxalate (a type of kidney stones). [4] The authors of the study recommend avoiding cola drinks as a way to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Metabolize fructose 3 oxalate

Some people are naturally predisposed to oxalate and allows you to convert, fructose at a faster pace oxalate. This increases the amount of oxalate in the blood are mixed with calcium in the kidneys.

4 increases the risk of urate stones

Finished fructose increases the amount of uric acid excreted in the urine; Natural fruit fructose not. [5] High levels of uric acid or hyperuricemia, promotes the formation of kidney stones, and gout. Researchers have observed, in particular, high levels of uric acid by HFCS were directly on the metabolic syndrome, obesity by a particular disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and kidney failure. [6] [7] Please avoid fruit juices and sodas contain HFCS, corn syrup and other artificial sweeteners may reduce the risk.

5 children aged 3 development of kidney stones

Incredible as it may seem, it is very true. Increasingly, small children, and I mean less than 5, develop kidney stones. Despite the growing number of children, however, suffer from this condition, researchers agree that the modern diet of highly processed as a major factor. [8] food, the parents and the doctors say that if much HFCS is removed from the diet, the occurrence is of kidney stones.

A modern problem?

Forecasting, your chance of developing kidney stones that are easy to be used. If someone in your family has kidney stones, probably very likely to develop them as well. But that changed. Traditional thinking holds men are also more likely to develop kidney stones; But a growing number of women and children pain and suffering from this terrible disease.

HFCS reducing exposure

To prevent kidney stones, is the common idea to drink plenty of water to avoid calcium supplements and reducing salt intake, protein and oxalate-rich foods. Of course, all foods contain some of the healthiest around like spinach, dark chocolate, sweet potatoes and walnuts oxalates. My recommendation is first made to eliminate HFCS, corn syrup, additives and other chemicals. The Corn Refiners Association can not hear you, but supports the science.

Do you have kidney stones? It is HFC phase of food aid? We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts and comments with us below.

Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. National Kidney Foundation. Kidney stones. NKF. Background.
  2. Taylor EN1, Curhan GC. Fructose consumption and the risk of kidney stones. Kidney Int in January 2008. 73 (2): 207-12.
  3. PM1 Ferraro, Taylor EN, Gambaro G, Curhan GC. Soda and other drinks, as well as the risk of kidney stones. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. August 2013; 8 (8): 1389-1395. doi: 10.2215 / CJN.11661112.
  4. Rodgers A. Effect of cola consumption linked to biochemical and physicochemical risk factors of calcium oxalate urolithiasis in the urine. Urol Res 1999th; 27 (1): 77-81.
  5. TJ1- Angelopoulos, J Lowndes, L Zukley, Melanson KJ, Nguyen V, Huffman A, rib JM. The effect of consuming fructose corn syrup in triglycerides and uric acid. J Nutr. June 2009; 139 (6): 1242S-1245S. doi: 10.3945 / jn.108.098194.
  6. Cirillo P1, Sato W, Reungjui S, M Heinig, Gersch M, Y Sautin, Nakagawa T, Johnson RJ. Uric acid, metabolic syndrome and kidney disease. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 December; 17 (12 Suppl 3): S165-8.
  7. Bantle JP. Food fructose and metabolic syndrome and diabetes. J Nutr. June 2009; 139 (6): 1263S-1268S. doi: 10.3945 / jn.108.098020.
  8. Tasian GE1, Copelovitch L2. Evaluation and treatment of kidney stones in Childre. . J Urol 21 June 2014 MI: S0022-5347 (14) 03821-X. doi: 10.1016 / j.juro.2014.04.1080.

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