Did you know that there are 4 different types of fat? Brown, white, subcutaneous and not least visceral or abdominal fat.
In short, brown fat was discovered and found that burn more calories than the other three last. We have more brown fat and white of this kind is to save energy and produce hormones. Subcutaneous fat found just under the skin and is usually measured to estimate using a skinfold caliper to overall body fat percentage.
Abdominal visceral fat deep in the belly and wraps around the organs.
Doctors warn their patients that visceral fat is an increase risk of heart disease and diabetes. This danger has more pressing, which was after the examination at the European Society of Cardiology in 2012, presented when their results showed that people were concentrated with visceral fat 50% to die rather from all causes compared, were overweight ( 1).
Belly fat health effects
From ptxdview
The health effects of visceral fat can be complicated and numerous. In fact, this type of fat of other types of fat in the body.
Doctors believe that insulin resistance promotes and leads to diabetes. In fact, in a study published in endocrine communication, the data suggest that the stored fat in the legs and buttocks is healthier than in the stomach (2) saved.
Interestingly, people who are in the normal range for your weight on the scale also at higher risk if they also carry large amounts of visceral fat. They may be less inclined to feel to change their lifestyle when your weight within normal limits, but these changes you can improve your risk profile of diseases and disorders.
Risk of dementia
Protocols from a study of 6,500 people in northern California found that those who had high levels of visceral fat, also have an increased risk for dementia, including people who were in the normal range for total weight had, but excess fat visceral and large bellies.
Researchers suspect that this is due to effects of belly fat hormones such as leptin, which can have a detrimental effect on the brain. Although leptin plays a role in appetite, it is also important for learning and memory (3).
Abdominal fat and back pain
From Wonder
Back pain is a condition that affects people from all over the world. Unfortunately, the pain and discomfort caused it not to escape from a movement or a rail.
This means that if you suffer from back pain, you probably feel like you stand, sit or lie down. In contrast to a pulled muscle in the arm or leg, you can not use a sling or crutches to protect the area.
Instead, it is more important to get to the root cause of back pain and to eliminate or reduce the effects as soon as possible in order to improve the likelihood of a fast recovery.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, most people with back pain experience pain due to muscle irritation or bone lesions of the nerve (4).
According to the Mayo Clinic, about 80% of people experience back pain at least once in their life. (5) It is a common cause of lost time from work and doctor visits.
Bone stress
A risk factor for the development of pain and degeneration placed excessive strain on your back. This voltage can be reduced by providing the improvement in muscle development in the back and a greater stability of the spine.
Back and abdomen - - muscle development should be at the center of everything, to prevent the development of the muscles in the back, without the development of the act against the back muscles muscles.
Conventional treatments for back pain include medications, heat or cold therapy, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, cognitive behavioral therapy, injections and surgery.
But be reduced with a little weight loss, stress on the spine and stabilize the lower the development of muscle region, you can pass on without drugs and surgery, to lead a life without pain.
A small price to pay
By Brendan
It's time to you to reduce the amount of belly fat in the way of the subcutaneous fat and abdominal fat, the wear increases the weight of the charge at the door lower spine.
You can do this every other day by a smart diet program, a 10-minute workout. It is a small price to pay to get in and out of the car, read walking through the grocery store or a book without feeling the constant pain in the back.
Pay attention to both the total weight and where you are to use this weight important to your health factors. Although this visceral fat is dangerous for your health, there are things you can do to reduce the amount of belly fat and help you to improve their risk factors.
(1) European Society of Cardiology
(2) Press endocrine
(3) Kaiser Permanente: larger abdomen in midlife increases risk of dementia
(4) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Low Back Pain Fact Sheet
(5) Medical News Today: What back pain What causes back pain
(6) effect of belly fat: burn The real secret how to help your diet, intestinal health, intestinal bacteria and fat
(7) Mercola: Confirmed: abdominal fat is more dangerous than having a BMI in the obese range of the total
(8) spine health: back pain
(9) New York Times: Brown fat, triggered by cold or exercise
(10) Harvard: and what to do about belly fat
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