"... One way to avoid American or pay to buy the Affordable Care Act to private insurance.The operation was made possible by a little known provision in the health law, has a particularly important need: cleaning Duff nine should refrain general debauchery.
Samaritan Ministries, a group sharing health care to treat their national network to cover medical expenses for the family, but only if they agree to give binge drinking, extramarital sex, drugs and tobacco The organization describes itself as a "biblical concept "out of health care, from Galatians 6 (with the exception of pure celebration after the birth.): 2 Bear one another's burdens ...
Rules Samaritan however extend over the religious sphere to the practice of saving. Sinful behavior threat about the entry of the soul into heaven, Duff and his followers believe: In case of damage, the earthly body - and raises the price of health.
"Christians are healthy," he said. "Think of all the physical problems that can be attributed to a sinful lifestyle."Obamacare, the agreement provides Samaritan is not desirable as it covers the costs, such as the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and nonmarital births "resulting from immoral practices". Law creates a moral dilemma for Duff, who now works as a vicar in downtown Omaha.
"This is," he said, "I do not want to pay for or encourage in any way.
Nor the other estimated 100,000 users Samaritan.More at the Washington Post.