Would you trust this man with your money?
WC usually not on the electoral antics of our politicians work, but Governor Sean "Captain Zero" exceeded the machinations of Medicare premiums Parnell Alaska, as Dermot Cole, is known to be a limit.
"Medicare premiums are" up! "Captain Zero is crying." It's that evil Obamacare! "
That's a lie.
It was the decision of Captain Zero Medicaid expansion, an expansion of the program would have been paid by the federal government refuse. The captain had no reason to deny the expansion of Medicaid, unless you know ObamaCare. Like everyone else, except of course Captain Zero, those who did not have Medicaid coverage was still sick, still be treated, and still could not pay. Therefore, the treatment costs for the rest of us were transferred as part of the overhead. These basic costs rose covered by insurance, leading to higher prices. It is clear that the decision to Captain Zero Medicaid expansion has to deny contributed higher insurance premiums.
It was the decision of Captain Zero refused healthcare in Alaska, so this suggests the Fed in order to provide a for Alaska. If Captain Zero has created a change in the health care controlled by the state, and put a little effort into the promotion of new providers enter in the market in Alaska, it would have more competition and lower prices. Since there are only two participants. What economists an oligopoly. There are few significant price competition in an oligopoly. The decision, Captain Zero Alaska Health Exchange refuse contributed to higher insurance premiums. For the same reason the request of the Commissioner Susan Bell is "registered only 16,000," the Alaska market is too small to share risk is untenable when his boss sabotaged registration. And the error is Commissioner Bell, on the use of so inexperienced.
It was the decision of Captain Zero does not implement a more efficient review process insurance rates. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation ,, review of insurance premiums bipartisan Alaska has the lowest for the supervision of the insurance premium for the absolute minimum regulatory standards. There was federal funding available to improve these Alaska examination criteria. Captain Zero has rejected. And the health insurance companies in Alaska know that Captain Zero was written with small. Leave the decision of the master to zero standards in Alaska report contributed significantly to the increase in health insurance rates.
Captain Zero says proposed increases exceeded "with a fine tooth comb." But he has not presented any evidence for this claim. We have not seen the documents that analyzing proposed tariff increases. We have not seen any detailed study. We can not even the new rates prior to January 1, because the standards pathetic weak checks. Captain Zero sell us a new car, but refuses to show the price tag, so we can see what we are buying and what it will cost. WC does not trust the captain, who could pull the toilet. WC A cup of coffee Designer captain bet only signed, without serious consideration or negotiation.
After this series of measures to the Affordable Care Act detriment of Alaska is taken weaken is Captain Zero cry that the health insurance reform is a failure. After all, what is possible, the health reform that does fall to be a failure claims.
it is actually worse. His government has issued a press release with the same message, but also because of rate hikes "users of health care."
January 1 and June 30, 2014, we had over 7 million dollars in medical claims of only 33 members of Alaska in individual plans under the ACA. That's about a third of all medical claims costs for all 7,000 members in our various plans under the ACA.
Dermot Cole, WC think, is of course very excited about this misleading statement. After all, his deceased brother, Pat Cole, died after a heart transplant failed. Visited a family tragedy and pain has right to be angry when a bureaucrat mocks Pat Cole and his family as "users of health care." There is also something new. Everyone in the health care industry comprises a small percentage of their base ensures that consume most of the health services. An intelligent governor, proactive management, a politician of the solution of the problem, but the political sabotage, would work with the health sector to improve the management of expensive patients. They were not successful in other countries.
But that would not serve the purpose of Captain Zero. It would serve the political agenda of Captain Zero. He prefers to blame the victims. If Alaska get higher insurance premiums as a result of the war Captain Obamacare is just collateral damage.