September 11, 2014 |
Drug use and mental health problems (eg, "mental health problems") affect millions of young people and adults in the United States. Mental health problems, particularly depression, contribute to the disease burden in the world. The drug treatment services and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) supports the prevention of mental health problems and find the path to recovery for people with mental illness. SAMHSA is the message that mental health is important for overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective and people and not recover. Recovery Media is one of SAMHSA identified to improve the mental health of the strategic initiatives of the country to reduce the burden of mental illness and addictions in the United States, and help people with mental health conditions to regain their lives. Knowing the percentage of people with substance use disorders and mental health problems in the United States is an important starting point for the prevention of behavior disorders and health contributes to recovery for people with behavioral health problems to promote. Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in 2013, a recent survey of behavioral health in the United States. This number NSDUH report contains the first version of 2013 NSDUH estimates, focuses on the proportion of people with mental health problems in the United States, and the proportion of treatment or counseling for behavioral health problems. |
Posted in SBIRT |
Funded wholly or partly of drug prevention and prosecution of federal block grant funds (CFDA # 93959) as a project of the Department of North Carolina Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and abuse services substances.