Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Health insurance DSW sets the pace, freeze their prices for the year 2015

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The health insurance DSW, the first to announce the price of an underlying policy for the coming year is traditional, freeze spending at 95 € per month.

The government said last week expected to increase health insurance premiums by about 10 € per month.

DSW said he has not determined the costs, as the government overestimated the cost of health care and that has enough cushioning to absorb financial losses.


In recent years, most health insurance companies have frozen or their costs slightly reduced. However, the four main benefits of € 1.4 billion are certainly combines the company, said Peter Ruys site health Zorgkiezer.nl Announcer no.

Other insurance companies will begin to publish their plans for 2015 in the coming weeks before the two-month period of change.

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