Although it is often that emerged Roma experience widespread discrimination, violence and social exclusion, shows a new report from the European Commission also that it has a negative impact on your health.
Report on the health of Roma and calls on international governments to take action to protect the health and welfare organizations of the Roma population.
The study covers the 28 EU countries plus Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, with a deeper focus on more countries (migrants) Roma population, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia , Spain and the United Kingdom.
The Commission believes that the Roma communities in Europe are discriminated against and thus. Still obstacles to access to quality housing, health care and education
Say in a study, a third of respondents aged 35-54 Roma that health problems limit their daily activities. While almost 20% of Roma respondents are not covered by health insurance, say 66%, they would not have to pay able for prescription drugs.
The report also notes that the evidence shows that Roma in line is much shorter life expectancy compared with the non-Roma population. For example, in Austria, regional estimates show that the mortality rate for the Roma at the regional level is 14% higher than the rest of the country. Higher infant mortality among the Roma were also observed in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
Although no country consistently on the health status of Roma reported complete data, the data show that the Roma in Bulgaria are particularly vulnerable to outbreaks of measles and hepatitis A, The rate of HIV infection is B and C. identifies the socially excluded Roma as prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes.
In 2009, a measles outbreak in Bulgaria indicated that 89.3% of the 24,047 people of Roma were affected and 22 of the 24 deaths were of Roma patients.
"Roma people in Europe are less healthy than non-Roma population," the Commission in the report. "But then there are sufficient data on the Roma is to highlight the social and economic exclusion, and poor health, there are still large gaps in Roma health data, to prevent a full understanding of the situation," he said.
Source: EurActive
Date: 09/09/2014